


Sep 9, 2024

Sep 9, 2024

4 min read

4 min read

E-contracts vs traditional contracts: modernizing agreements

Which contract style is right for you—e-contracts or traditional? Discover the pros and cons to modernize your agreements.

Which contract style is right for you—e-contracts or traditional? Discover the pros and cons to modernize your agreements.

Paper contracts? So last century. E-contracts revolutionize business operation, which exclude wasteful time, rather whole world in a minute. Just erase tiresome long wait and get directly from discussions to seals, within seconds. Paper contracts still have a niche, but the gap is narrowing quickly. The other side of the coin is that both forms of contracts particularly e signed contracts do have their own advantages and disadvantages in the current world which getting more technologically based.

From pen and paper to digital platforms

The journey of contract signing has come a long way. The evolution of the human species has developed evenly consequences in all processes themselves, including instruments of contract initiation, starting with some ancient tribes agreeing upon something by speaking, or writing simple things down. As civilization advanced, the concepts of agreements became more sophisticated and dangerous for non-compliance, thereby needing seals and writing. There came the printing, which helped the production in the 15th century where contracts were made as people were able to reproduce the same standard kind of documents.

In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, the principle of the agreement signing, primarily represented a new order, again underwent significant changes. As the industry of internet and web shopping grew rapidly, so did the developments of electronic contracts known as clickwrap. Such modern contracts necessitate action from the users, like clicking the I agree button for acceptance of terms of contract.

Legal recognition of electronic signatures

There has been an active legal approach that justified the need for the development of e-contracts. In the United States, electronic signature laws, specifically the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act, enforce laws supporting the use of digital signature and contracts as traditional documents and handwritten signatures in 2000. Just like the equivalence, eIDAS regulation in the EU also describes legislative conditions for electronic identification facilities and trust services for the European union member states.

As more nations create laws supportive of e-signatures, it has been made easier by platforms like Enty for businesses to deal with contract-related matters. In this case, Enty is addressing the issue of enhancing the contract management procedures with features such as e-signatures and professional contract templates.

Still not sure about the contract validity? No need to worry, Enty ensures all issued and signed contracts hold an appropriate legal status.

Key differences between E-contracts and traditional contracts

E-contracts are superior to contracts obtained in the traditional manner in many ways. First, they save the cost of printing and the cost of providing physical office space. The reason for this accessibility is that e-contracts can be accessed from many locations, which is supportive of remote work scenarios. They are also less complicated in making alterations and are more protected due to encryption and cloud.

Traditional contracts on the contrary, take on a lot of time in the sense that they entail physical meetings, which in most cases can be avoided. They are also likely to be destroyed or damaged by water, fire, and other forms of vandalism. Nevertheless, some instances still require paper documentation like certain legal papers and contracts for shipping on an overseas basis.

Understanding traditional contracts

Traditional contracts are physical documents that have been the cornerstone of business agreements for centuries. These paper-based agreements typically include detailed terms and conditions, leaving no room for ambiguity. They require handwritten signatures, often in multiple copies, to ensure each party has an original document for their records.

One crucial aspect of traditional contracts is the correct use of entity names and signature blocks. Using the wrong entity name or omitting details like "LLC" or "Inc." can lead to serious errors. Proper signature blocks are essential to establish the legal authority of the individual signing on behalf of an entity.

The traditional contract lifecycle

The lifecycle of a traditional contract involves several stages, from creation to execution. It starts with drafting the agreement, followed by negotiation and collaboration between parties. This often requires face-to-face meetings or extensive back-and-forth communication.

Once terms are agreed upon, the contract goes through a review and approval process. This may involve multiple stakeholders, including managers and officers. After approval, the contract is signed, marking the beginning of its administration and execution phase.

Limitations of physical documents

While traditional contracts have their merits, they come with significant limitations. Physical documents are vulnerable to damage, loss, or theft. They're also challenging to access remotely, hindering collaboration and flexibility in modern business environments.

Storage is another concern. As businesses grow, so does the need for physical space to store contracts. This can lead to increased costs and environmental impact due to paper usage.

Moreover, traditional contracts can be time-consuming to manage. Searching for specific documents among piles of paperwork can be a productivity drain. There's also an increased risk of errors in filing or labeling, potentially leading to misplaced or discarded documents.

In light of these limitations, many businesses are turning to digital solutions like Enty for more efficient contract management, offering features like e-signatures and easy-to-access contract repositories.

The rise of E-contracts

E-contracts are digital versions of traditional paper agreements. They're created, exchanged, and executed entirely online. This shift has revolutionized how you handle business agreements, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

There are several types of e-contracts:

  • Click-wrap agreements: you often encounter these when signing up for services or downloading software. They require you to click "I agree" to accept terms.

  • Browse-wrap agreements: these don't need any action from you. By using a website or app, you're considered to have accepted the terms.

  • Shrink-wrap agreements: commonly used for software purchases, these become effective when you open the package.

Technology behind E-signatures

E-signatures are the backbone of e-contracts. They come in various forms, each offering different levels of security:

  • Simple Electronic Signatures (SES): basic signatures created by typing a name or uploading an image.

  • Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES): more secure, using a unique digital certificate for each signer.

  • Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES): the most secure, created using a qualified certificate from a trusted service provider.

Digital certificates play a crucial role in verifying the authenticity of e-signatures. They contain information about the signer's identity and a public key for verification.

Integration with digital workflows

E-contracts seamlessly integrate with digital workflows, streamlining your contract management process. Platforms like Enty offer features such as e-signatures, contract templates, and secure storage, making it easier to manage your agreements efficiently.

This integration enables faster contract execution, improved collaboration, and enhanced security. You can now create, negotiate, edit, approve, and sign contracts all within a single digital ecosystem, significantly reducing time and costs associated with traditional contract management.

Comparing E-contracts and traditional contracts

When evaluating the benefits of e-contracts versus traditional paper contracts, it's clear that digital solutions offer significant advantages in efficiency, cost, and sustainability. Each option has its place, but for companies looking to modernize their workflows and reduce environmental impact, e-contracts are often the smarter, more scalable choice.

Speed and efficiency

E-contracts offer unmatched convenience and efficiency. You can sign and exchange documents digitally, closing deals swiftly regardless of location. This expedites business processes, making it attractive for global operations. Traditional contracts, while time-tested, can be cumbersome. They often require physical presence, leading to delays in finalizing agreements.


E-contracts eliminate costs related to printing, courier services, and travel expenses. Digital storage in the cloud removes the need for physical storage facilities, saving money on rent and file cabinets. Traditional contracts incur ongoing expenses for paper, printing equipment, maintenance, and storage space. Enty's contract management service can help streamline these processes, further reducing costs.

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Manage your daily business routine with Enty in a modern way

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Security and authentication

E-contracts employ advanced security measures like encryption and digital signatures, providing robust protection against tampering and unauthorized access. Traditional contracts are vulnerable to physical damage, theft, or forgery. While paper documents can be manipulated, contract management software with electronic signing capabilities can mitigate these risks through features like limited access, version tracking, and tamper detection.

Storage and retrieval

Electronic storage revolutionizes record-keeping. You can easily store and retrieve contracts in digital formats, reducing paperwork and enhancing accessibility. Traditional contracts require meticulous physical storage, making retrieval time-consuming and expensive. With e-contracts, you can perform quick searches through entire databases, saving hours of sifting through paper files.

Environmental considerations

E-contracts significantly reduce environmental impact. By eliminating paper usage, they lower the carbon footprint associated with paper production and reduce pollution from printing materials. Traditional contracts contribute to deforestation and waste generation. Choosing e-contracts aligns with sustainable business practices, demonstrating your commitment to environmental responsibility.

Final thoughts

Efficiency and sustainability are crucial to staying competitive, and e-contracts provide a clear path forward. While traditional contracts still play a role in some industries, e-contracts offer the advantages of speed, cost-effectiveness, and security that paper contracts struggle to match. Ultimately, the decision lies in finding what works best for your business. Embrace the digital future, streamline your processes, and reduce your environmental footprint—all while maintaining the flexibility to meet your specific contract needs.

Revolutionize your contract management experience with Enty

Revolutionize your contract management experience with Enty

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