


Mar 25, 2025

Mar 25, 2025

5 min read

5 min read

Deals, Not Documents: The New Way to Work with Clients on Enty

Discover how Enty’s Deals feature helps you manage contracts, invoices, and payments in one place — streamlining client work and boosting financial clarity.

Discover how Enty’s Deals feature helps you manage contracts, invoices, and payments in one place — streamlining client work and boosting financial clarity.

When you're handling multiple (sometimes hundreds) documents for a single client, things can get quite messy. Contracts are stored in one tool, invoices in another, and collaboration often requires switching between different systems. That’s why we built Deals — a smarter way to manage your work with clients on Enty. 

Why use Deals?

The Deals service is designed with a simple but powerful shift in mind: focus on the client, not the paperwork.

Instead of jumping between folders and tools to manage different types of documents, Deals lets you create a single space for each client — and then organize everything related to that relationship inside it.

Here’s what you can store (or create) in a Deal:

  • Contracts

  • Invoices

  • Additional files (even those not created on Enty — just upload them!)

It’s your one-stop hub for everything tied to a particular counterparty.

Keep track of your deals with ease using Enty

Deal with it!

Deal with it!

The problem with the usual way

Typically, both service providers (freelancers, agencies, etc.) and clients use a mix of tools to manage their documents:

  • Contracts are stored in cloud folders (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)

  • Invoices are sent through separate tools (PDFs, email, or invoicing apps)

  • Payments are tracked manually, via spreadsheets or email follow-ups

This creates a disconnected workflow where you constantly switch between tools just to answer basic questions about the status of your projects.

Even worse, important context — like contract terms or invoice conditions — gets lost along the way.

How much paperwork are we really talking about?

Ok, so each deal is different, the same person might have 3 documents with one client and over a hundred with another one. But let’s try to make a cautious calculation. Even a simple freelance deal can involve quite a few documents. For example:

On average, one freelance project might include:

  • 1–2 contracts (a main service agreement + NDA or annexes)

  • 3–6 invoices, especially if work is split across milestones or billed monthly

  • Additional documents, such as briefs, project scopes, or approvals

Now imagine working with 5–10 clients per month — that’s dozens of documents to keep track of. For growing businesses or agencies, the volume is even higher.

And it’s not just about storing the files — it’s about knowing:

  • Have the documents been signed?

  • Have the invoices been paid?

  • Are there overdue payments?

  • How much revenue has this client generated?

Deals brings all that visibility to a single view.

Who Is It For?

Deals is especially useful if:

  • You work with clients on multiple documents at once
    With Deals, you no longer need to search across platforms — just open the Deal and instantly see the status of all documents: signed, unpaid, overdue, and more.

  • You want to link documents and invoices
    Previously, contracts and invoices may have lived in different systems. That made it harder to keep track of agreements and payment progress. Now, they’re connected — in one place. You can check contract terms and then immediately see whether the invoice has been sent or paid.

  • You need better financial oversight
    With Deals, you can monitor how much each project is worth. All invoices are summed up, so you can quickly see how much has been invoiced and how much has already been paid.

Streamline paperwork with you clients using Enty

Try Deals Now!

Try Deals Now!

How to use Deals on Enty

Ok, now let’s take a look at how Deals work on Enty. 

First, you’ll need to go to the “Deals” section on the left side of the main screen. In the Deals, click the “Create new deal” button and choose a counterparty that you’ll use in this deal.

Nice! You’ve created your first deal. If you already have documents created by this counterparty, our system will allow you to add them to the deal. Just click the “View” button on the top of the screen. 

After you’ve clicked this button, you’ll be able to choose the contract and invoices related to this deal. Let’s see how it works. 

That’s it! Now your deal is created and you can keep track of all the documents and finances related to it.

You can easily create invoices and contracts directly from the Deal page. Let’s take a look at another deal where we don’t have any contracts or invoices added yet.

Outside of creating documents for your Deal, the service allows you to track payments related to this deal. Take a look at the example below. In our case, one deal-related invoice was paid and the other wasn't.

On the right side of the screen, you can see a small dashboard that sums up the money that was already received through this deal and the money to be received from it in the future. This feature allows you to keep track of finances related to the deal easily. 

So, we’ve already covered the main aspects of this service, but there are still a few important details to mention. As mentioned earlier, you can add documents to a deal directly from the deal page. However, if you prefer the classic flow of creating documents on Enty, you can also link them to a deal after generating a contract or invoice. 

To do that, simply choose the deal you need in the Deal reference section after you’ve created your invoice or contract.

When your deal is finished, don’t forget to mark it as complete. This crucial step signifies the completion of all deal-related payments and the deal's deactivation. To achieve that, simply press the “Complete” button at the top of the screen inside the deal.


Deals helps you manage payments, create deal-related documents with ease and keep track of them. As a result, you get a centralized way to track all client-related activity, gain financial insights, and work more efficiently — without jumping between tools.

Whether you're a freelancer juggling projects or a growing business managing dozens of contracts, Deals brings clarity and control to your workflow. Try Deals now and simplify your client workflow to the maximum.

Take relationships with your clients to the next level with Deals

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